By Henry Lawson
First published in 1901 in a collection of short stories titled ‘Joe Wilson and his Mates’
Henry Lawson’s humour is captured in this short film of 3 mates, their young dog and a live explosive.
The chase and chaos of the dog with a bomb that ends with a bang!
Dave got an Idea. "Why not blow the fish up…." He made a cartridge about three time the size of those they used in the rocks…
"Run! look behind you, you fool!" Andy turned slowly and looked , and there, close behind him, was the retriever with the cartridge in its mouth
For a full reading of these wonderfully written prose with fantastic illustration click here.
"Quiet on Set"
By Anson Cameron
For the First Battle of Bull Run, the first of that war, Washington society came out from town in buggies to picnic on the hillside overlooking the battleground waiting for the show. The day had a holiday air. How could you spend a Sunday more agreeably than watching 60,000 men try to kill each other at close range with modern weapons before resorting to the bayonet? Senators and their wives laid out rugs and poured wine. The London Times correspondent records that a woman near him watched the opening salvos through opera glasses, saying, "That is splendid, Oh my! Is not that first rate? I guess we will be in Richmond to-morrow."
Read more here.